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‘The rabbit and the tortoise’

the rabbit and the tortoise - le toboggan

Bilingual Chinese-English, from 4yo.

The classic tale of the rabbit who thought that winning a race against the tortoise was too easy and not worth much effort.

This is the perfect book for students learning how to read Chinese. They already know the story, therefore they can focus on deciphering the Chinese characters with the help of the pinyin text. Both languages are side by side to make the understanding easier.

For more information visit

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‘Le CE1 facile’

In French, from 7yo.

Review the school program for the year 2. Children will be able to check that they know key concepts of French, maths and science. The short lessons are followed by fun exercises. Ideal for the holidays.

For more info visit

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‘La roca de Mila y Carlos’

In Spanish, from 2yo.

Mila is a seal. She has found a rock to rest on. Carlos is seagull and they quickly become friends. Then Carlos’ s father call him to go home. Mila is sad to see her friend leave and to top it all, the sky is filling with dark heavy clouds. A storm is coming and a huge wave lands on Mila’s rock. Mila disappears. Carlos is looking for his friend but only finds her hat. What happened to Mila? He goes back to her rock to wait for her. He, finally, finds her and they realise that their friendship is stronger than a storm.

To read this beautifully illustrated story visit

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‘Orsetto Bruno fa la pizza’

In Italian, from 1yo.

Gorgeous little board book that will teach young readers how to make a pizza. Help brown bear by making the dough, flatten it, add the ingredients and cook the pizza.

Children can turn wheels and pull flaps to see how each step of the recipe changes the illustrations.

For more info visit

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‘Escape from the nightmare planet’

escape from nightmare planet - le toboggan

In Chinese, from 6yo.

Part of a series, this book offers three adventures Captain Marvel. In the first story, she will try to escape the nightmare planet.

These books are perfect for children learning how to read Chinese characters as the text comes written in pinyin to ease the process.

Fore more info visit

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‘Le pire livre du monde’

le pire livre du monde - Le toboggan

In French, from 4yo.

This hilarious story will make you laugh for a long time. Three characters are reading a story about a princess, a monster and a prince. The story is not original! it is full of mistakes! This is indeed the worst book in the world.

To discover why and have a laugh visit

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‘Alice nella torta’

alice nella torta

In Italian, from 1yo.

Alice is cheeky. In this adventure, she finds herself on a birthday cake. What a dream, isn’t it? Maybe not, how will she get out of this sticky situation.

Find out on

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‘Grande i Buffo. Accidenti ai prepotenti’

grande e buffo accidenti ai prepotenti

In Italian, from 7yo.

Polar bear moves in the valley and expects everyone to treat him as royalty and build him a palace. Who is going to tell this huge and bossy bear that his arrogance is not welcome?

To find out visit

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‘Wenn du eine Sternschnuppe siehst, wünsch dir was’

Wenn du eine Sternschnuppe siehst wünsch dir was

In German, from 2yo

Little mole feels lonely. He decides to make a snow bear who becomes his friend. They walk together in the snow and try to catch a bus but the driver would not let them on. He sees a shooting star and makes a wish.

To find out what his wish his about go to

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‘La familia bola’

la familia bola

In Spanish, from 4yo.

The Ball family is made of little bugs who live under a theatre. They are not colourful or pretty bugs. They make up by wearing colourful clothes. After watching the shows of the theatre, they decide to create they own little theatre ‘Les varietes’. They will dance, sing, act, juggle, play music and do magic tricks.

What a wonderful world!

For more information visit