Le Toboggan in the media


  • SBS.com.au

SBS ran a five-part series on bilingualism and language education in Australia. They have used 2 tips from Le toboggan’s blog post ‘Raising trilingual children: 15 tips’

Published on 7 April 2016


  • Raisingtrilingualchildren.com

We have kindly been invited to contribute a couple of articles on this blog about raising trilingual children.

It offers resources, tips and other articles aimed at encouraging and assisting parents with their children’s language journey.

Published on 19 January 2016 

Published on 14 February 2016


  • Bilingual kid spot

This article has been written about us and our experience as parents raising mutlilingual children in Australia.


Published on 11 October 2016


  • Bilingual Monkeys


We have contributed a guest post on ‘how to get your children to practise their minority language through playful activities’.


Published on 24 November 2016


  • The cultured kid

Great tips and ideas of where to go when you are visiting Paris with young children.


Published on August 30 2017




  • Sud Radio

French radio show on how to raised multilingual children. We have shared our experience along with other parents.

‘Mon enfant est multilingue (my child is multilingual)’ – Sud Radio podcast

Broadcasted on 24 February 2016

In French only.


  • SBS Portuguese Radio

Interview about the partnership Le Toboggan has developed with the Portuguese school in Fremantle, WA and on how we are successfully raising our trilingual children.

‘Filipa de Perth da a sua receita para criar filhos trilingues com sucesso (Filipa from Perth gives her recipe to successfully raise her trilingual children)’ – SBS Portuguese Radio

Broadcasted on 31 January 2016 and podcast published on the SBS Portuguese Radio website on 23 February 2016

In Portuguese only.

Transcript interview SBS Portuguese  transcript of the interview translated into English.