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‘Oh la la !’

Oh la la ! le toboggan

French, from 3yo.

This is the story of a wolf who seems to have issues with his memory. What really happened with Red Riding Hood? Was he really chased by the three little piggies?

To discover his version of the famous classic tales visit

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‘Comment rallumer un dragon éteint?’

Comme rallumer un dragon eteint?

In French, from 1yo.

A little girl wants to help her dragon to breathe fire again. He is sad, despite his efforts not even a spark comes out of his mouth. She will try scratch him, tickles, making him jealous but nothing seems to work. What could help the dragon?

To find out visit

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‘Les Monsieur Madame visitent la France’

les monsieur madame visitent la france

In French, from 3yo.

Mr and Mrs are touring France. They stop in different regions, such as Alsace, Brittany, Provence, the North. In each place, they taste the delicious food, learn about the various regional outfits and monuments.

For your own taste of France visit

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‘Ca alors !’

Ca alors

In French, from 6mo.

What is happening in this building? Floor by floor, families are missing items. Where are the gloves, the knitted benny, the scarf…? It is snowing and cold outside, those items are needed.

Find out where all the clothing items are visit

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‘Le loup qui explorait Paris’

le loup explore Paris

In French, from 4yo.

Wolf loves the quiet of his forest. He hates the city. But when his friend tells him that she will go to Paris with or without him. She leaves him a clue and he’d better find her. He has no choice but to embark his friends on this adventure. They go to Paris and explore the busy street and the beautiful landmarks. Will you recognise the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Arc of Triumph.

Check out what other places the wolf visits

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‘Bonne nuit petit tigre’

Bonne nuit petit tigre

From 7mo, in French.

Cute little board book with a puzzle to help young children develop their fine motor skills. Follow tiger on his journey through the jungle. Driving the locomotive, he picks up his friends who will sit in the wagon to complete the train.

For more information visit

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In French, from 1yo.

This classic tale told with a popup book. Specially designed for little ones, this book is a short version of the story which comes ‘alive’ with the 3-D illustrations.

For more information visit

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‘Le CE1 facile’

In French, from 7yo.

Review the school program for the year 2. Children will be able to check that they know key concepts of French, maths and science. The short lessons are followed by fun exercises. Ideal for the holidays.

For more info visit

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‘Le pire livre du monde’

le pire livre du monde - Le toboggan

In French, from 4yo.

This hilarious story will make you laugh for a long time. Three characters are reading a story about a princess, a monster and a prince. The story is not original! it is full of mistakes! This is indeed the worst book in the world.

To discover why and have a laugh visit

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‘Les pompiers’

les pompiers

In French, from 3yo.

Learn everything about firefighters. What they were, their training, what their daily life is, how they put out fires. Gorgeous first encyclopaedia with colourful illustrations, flaps and vocabulary. This book belong to the series ‘My first encyclopaedia’ which is perfect to expand the vocabulary on a specific topic.

For more information visit