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‘Auf dem lande’

Auf dem lande

In German, from 4yo.

This gorgeous activity book is a great way to present additional exposure to the language. There are counting activities, colouring in, connect the numbers, find the differences.

Get your copy in time for the school holidays at

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‘Geschichten fur kinder’

geschichten fur kinder le toboggan

In German, from 1yo.

Great book offering a collection of your favourite classic tales (Goldilocks and the 3 bears, the 3 little piggies) and modern stories. This is a great way to develop your child’s vocabulary in German. You will also enjoy the colourful illustrations.

For more information visit

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‘Ich mach Dich gesund, sagte der Bar’

Ich mach Dich gesund sagte der Bar

In German, from 6yo.

Tiger is feeling unwell. His friend Bear, is going to help him. It seems that one of Tiger’s stripes fell. After surgery, Tiger feels much better and Bear is happy. Another lovely story of the friends Bear and Tiger by Janosch.

To find out more

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‘Albert Einstein’

Albert Einstein

In German, from 10yo.

Book for German learners level A2. learn about Albert Einstein’s life, from his birth in Germany to his stay in Italian, Switzerland and United States. Learn as well about his work, the theory of relativity and more. Each page presents a text with the list of difficult words, then there are pages with questions and engaging exercises to ensure that the content was understood. Comes with a code to listen to the text read by a native speaker.

For more information visit

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‘Zilly und Zingaro endlick ferien’

Zilly und Zingaro endlick ferien

In German, from 4yo.

Our favourite witch and her cat go on holidays. Off they go to an idyllic island where they sunbathe, snorkel, simply have fun. Trust the quirky witch to keep things interesting and amusing.


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‘Der Fuchs sucht seine socken’

Der Fuchs sucht seine socken

In German, from 1yo.

Gorgeous board book by the illustrator of the Gruffalo. Fox is getting dressed but he cannot find his socks. His feet are really cold. Could you help find the socks? Are thy under the bed, in the trunk or in the clock?

Find the socks with Fox at

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‘Der Wolf, der eine Weltreise machen wollte’

Der Wolf, der eine Weltreise machen wollte

In German, 4yo.

Our favourite wolf goes on a trip around the world. Grab your backpack and join him in Paris, London, New York, the Great Wall of China and several other places.

For an amazing trip go to

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‘Kleine freunde’

Kleine freunde

In German, from 6mo.

Having friends, even little ones, make you stronger and more confident. Why would the mouse be afraid of cats or the chicken afraid of the foxes? This cute little board book is a gorgeous friendship story.

For find out more visit

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‘Bella und Joy. Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel’

'Bella und Joy. Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel'

In German, from 7yo.

Bella and Joy are twins. They are physically identical but have completely different personalities which is great as they complement each other. Together they will fight bullies and other ills at school.

To find out more visit