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‘Auf dem lande’

Auf dem lande

In German, from 4yo.

This gorgeous activity book is a great way to present additional exposure to the language. There are counting activities, colouring in, connect the numbers, find the differences.

Get your copy in time for the school holidays at

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‘Kleine freunde’

Kleine freunde

In German, from 6mo.

Having friends, even little ones, make you stronger and more confident. Why would the mouse be afraid of cats or the chicken afraid of the foxes? This cute little board book is a gorgeous friendship story.

For find out more visit

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‘Riese Rick macht sich schick’

Riese Rick macht sich schick

In German, from 4yo.

A Julia Donaldson’s classic. Rick is a giant who wants to change his old tunic for new clothes. He goes to the tailor in town and come out of the shop dressed elegantly. On his way home he meets with different animals that are in terrible need. The giraffe has a sore throat so Rick gives her his tie. The goat needs new sails for her boat, Rick gives her his shirt and the sock to the fox for a comfortable sleeping bag. Soon he has almost given all his pretty clothes away. He returns to town to get his tunic back but the tailor’s shop is closed. Rick is sad because he is half-dressed and cold. Fortunately, the animals he helped have a surprise to thank him for his kindness.

To find out more visit

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German story time with the Goethe Society at le toboggan’s

german story time le toboggan bookstore

We are pleased to announced that our friends from the WA Goethe Society has kindly offered to volunteer to run 2 story times in our premise:

Wednesdays 8 November and 13 December at 11am at 3/168 Hampden road, Nedlands.

Le toboggan will endeavour to bring you more multicultural events. This is a free family event. Everyone is welcome to attend, non-speakers too.

I look forward to seeing you all.

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‘Wenn du eine Sternschnuppe siehst, wünsch dir was’

Wenn du eine Sternschnuppe siehst wünsch dir was

In German, from 2yo

Little mole feels lonely. He decides to make a snow bear who becomes his friend. They walk together in the snow and try to catch a bus but the driver would not let them on. He sees a shooting star and makes a wish.

To find out what his wish his about go to

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‘Wo ist die maus?’

In German, from 6mo.

Cute little board book. Erwin is an elephant and he sad he cannot find his friend the mouse. Where is she? Erwin and his friend the giraffe will try together to find the mouse. They eventually decide to look for the mouse somewhere else when the mouse exits a hole just under the spot where the elephant was sitting.

The illustrations are gorgeous and the texture of this cardboard book is great for little hands to manipulate.

For more information visit

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‘Geschichten fur kinder’

In German, from 1yo.

5 stories that all children will love: the 3 little piggies, Bon appetit, the little fearful bunny, How Putzi won a trophy and Goldilocks.

Perfect for a special bonding moment any time during the day. Lots of illustrations to promote an interactive reading. The children can describe the images, actions, colours, animals…

For more info visit

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‘Das schonste Ei der welt’

In German, from 4yo.

The king sets out a contest to see which hen can lay the most beautiful egg. All the hens of the kingdom make their best to be the winner. How will the king wisely choose the winner?

For more information visit

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‘Ich war so gern …dachte das Erdmannchen’

In German, from 2yo.

The meerkat is standing observing all the animals in the zoo. He wish he could be as fierce as the lion or strong like the elephant, or tall like giraffe. What he does not know is that the other animals admire him. They wish they could focus like him and run as fast.

For further information visit

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‘Mach’s wie ich! Streiten und vertragen’

In German, from 1yo.

This is a cute little story to teach our little ones to get along with other people and not behave as if they were cavemen. We need to argue but we also need to make up and become friends. Funny story in a little board book format to take everywhere with you.

For further information go to