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‘Les animaux en danger’

les animaux en danger - le toboggan

In French, from 3yo.

This is the perfect book to bring awareness to animals in danger. Teach your child about the causes of animal extinction and how humans contribute to it. By losing their habitat, wild animals come closer to human dwellings and it often ends up in hunts. Some of us also collect trophies or believe that by consuming some body part it will bring us health.

However, we can still reverse some of this trend by engaging in programs that will protect the animals and ensuring we preserve what is left of their natural habitat.

For more information visit

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‘Hugo et les rois – apprendre à accorder avec être et avoir’

Hugo et les rois - mon cahier 2 je sais accorder avec etre et avoir - le toboggan bookstore

In French, from 7yo.

Great activity book to learn how to agree participles with ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ in French. Learn the rules with easy to understand lessons, fun exercises and stickers.

To become more proficient with your French conjugations visit

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‘3 petits moutons’

trois petits moutons - le toboggan

In French, from 2yo.

Three little sheep ventured out of their enclosure. Unfortunately, the wolf caught them and locked them in a cage. The three sheep are clever and resourceful. They use their wool to knit a jumper for the wolf and plan their escape.

To find out about the sheep’s trick visit

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‘Mon imagier du jardin’

mon imagier du jardin - le toboggan

In French, from 8mo.

Gorgeous board book, brightly illustrated. This picture book is ideal to expand the vocabulary of the garden as well as learning through touch. Your chid uses his fingers to follow the ridges, turn the pages and see what images are partially hidden behind the holes. This sensory experience will make the reading more interactive. Each double pages contains a page of vocabulary with words and illustrations and a context page. You can also play a ‘look and find’ game.

For more information visit

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In French, from 1yo.

This classic tale told with a popup book. Specially designed for little ones, this book is a short version of the story which comes ‘alive’ with the 3-D illustrations.

For more information visit

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‘Le CE1 facile’

In French, from 7yo.

Review the school program for the year 2. Children will be able to check that they know key concepts of French, maths and science. The short lessons are followed by fun exercises. Ideal for the holidays.

For more info visit

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‘Le pire livre du monde’

le pire livre du monde - Le toboggan

In French, from 4yo.

This hilarious story will make you laugh for a long time. Three characters are reading a story about a princess, a monster and a prince. The story is not original! it is full of mistakes! This is indeed the worst book in the world.

To discover why and have a laugh visit

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‘Martine se dispute’

martine se dispute

In French, from 3yo.

Martine and her brother fight like all siblings do. Then, her brother gets hurt and Martine feels bad.

‘Je commence a lire avec Martine’ is a collection of the infamous Martine’s stories published in a larger font to assist children learning how to read in French.

For more information visit

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‘Les pompiers’

les pompiers

In French, from 3yo.

Learn everything about firefighters. What they were, their training, what their daily life is, how they put out fires. Gorgeous first encyclopaedia with colourful illustrations, flaps and vocabulary. This book belong to the series ‘My first encyclopaedia’ which is perfect to expand the vocabulary on a specific topic.

For more information visit

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‘Ne laissez pas le pigeon conduire le bus’

In French, from 2yo.

This is another hilarious story of the pigeon. This time he wants to drive the bus. Why not? He cousin does it and he promises he will be careful.

To find out more visit