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‘Necesito un abrazo – I need a hug’

Necesito un abrazo - I need a hug

Bilingual Spanish-English, from 1yo.

Hedgehog is sad. He wants a hug but all the animals flee when they see him. They are afraid of his prickly hugs. But … wait a moment …. are the animals running back for a hug? No, they are running away from a snake. Guess what the snake wanted?

To find out buy your copy of this tender story at

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‘Bluey: la piscina – the pool’

'Bluey: la piscina - the pool'

Bilingual Spanish-English, from 2yo.

It is a hot day and Bluey’s dad takes them to the pool. Mom tells them to take their poll gear but no-one listens to her. Mom always makes everything more difficult! Once at their uncle, Bluey, Bingo and their dad start swimming but then they realise they forgot their rashies so they have to stay in the shaded areas. They have also forgotten the suncreen, the toys, etc… finally they realise that they should have listened to mom!

Go on a bilingual adventure with Bluey visit

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‘Poemas de sol y mosca’

poemas de sol y moscas

In Spanish, from 2yo.

Gorgeous board book about summer. Explore its beautiful poems and illustrations. Its rhyming text offers a nice pace when reading out loud. you will read about heat, annoying flies and mosquitos, about a flying balloon escaping through an opened window.

To spend the summer with rhymes visit

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‘Fru fru el cerdito’

Fru fru el cerdito

In Spanish, from 6mo.

Do you know how pig got their tail? Fru fru was reading a book and sat on a page. A word stuck to his bottom. Fru fru was worried, he is not used to having a tail let alone such a long one. Fortunately, a little boy erases a few letters and Fru fru has now a cute cork screw tail.

To read this cute story to your little one visit

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‘A oscuras cosas que pasan de noche’

A oscuras cosas que pasan de noche

In Spanish, from 5yo.

Beautiful book to learn about what happens when the night falls. The clock keeps ticking and people all over the world do thousands of different activities. Some sleep and during their sleep, their bodies relax and recharge. Others like owls prefer night time to study, read or work.

What happens when you sleep? How do dreams happen? Do you sleep walk? Then comes dawn. It is almost time to wake up and get up and for some people it is time to go to bed. Learn about nocturnal animals, the northern lights, working in dark places such as the underground or the mines, how the weather is predicted, and many more…..


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‘El mundo animal’

el mundo animal

In Spanish, from 2yo.

This is a great book to learn fun facts about animals with a rhyming text. The illustrations are gorgeous. Did you know that the octopus has 3 hearts or the ant-eater uses his extra-long tongue to eat ant after digging in the ants’ nests?

To learn fun facts about animals visit

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In Spanish, from 9yo.

This is the story of Rihanna, who lives in San Francisco. While coming back from an excursion with the girls scouts, she has an accident and loses her two front teeth. She goes to the dentist, survives and earthquake and realises that her friends are not really that friendly.

Great book to get the children to explore in a fun way what the dentist does.

To find out more visit

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‘Los gusanos comen cacahuetes’

Los gusanos comen cacahuetes

In Spanish, from 1yo.

This is funny story is never ending. Worms eat peanuts. Birds eat worms. Cats eat birds. What happens when the story takes a crazy turn . Worms are not happy and they eat the birds, the cats, etc… Then, cats eat peanuts. Worms are not happy as they are left with nothing but rocks to eat. What happens when worm are not happy?

Find out at