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‘I saw a lion, a fox and a weasel’

i saw a lion, a fox and a weasel

In Chinese, from 2yo.

There is a fox who sees the local henhouse as his personal pantry. Then comes a weasel who sneaks in. The fox decides to deal with this uninvited guest when a lion enters the story.

To find out more about this amusing tale visit

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‘Baby elephant’s bathtub’

baby elephant's bathtub

In Chinese, from 1yo.

Baby elephant is dirty ad needs to find a bathtub to wash off the grime. He is too big for the ant’s bathtub, neither does he fit in the squirrel’s or turtle’s. How is going to wash?

For more information visit

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‘From Earth to the moon’

From Earth to the moon le toboggan

In Chinese, from 4yo.

This beautifully illustrated book will take your child into a a fantastic trip to the moon devised by Jules Verne. This classic story has been adapted to be approachable to young readers.

For space travel visit

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‘The world’s largest and loudest fart’

The world's largest and loudest fart

In Chinese, from 2yo.

The monkey is gathering all the jungle animals for a farting contest. The hippo, the elephant, a shy giraffe, and a very refined zebra are all competing, but no one can guess who the winner will be.

Little readers will enjoy this funny and beautifully illustrated story.

To find out who is the winner of this smelly contest go to

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‘Three little bears climbing the mountain’

three little bears le toboggan

In Chinese, from 2yo.

Three little bears set together to climb the mountain. Soon they reach a fork and two little bears take different paths. The third little decides to carry on on his own. He meets with a wolf and a tiger.

Find out whether the three little bear get together at the top of the mountain

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‘Good night little sea otter’

good night little sea otter

Bilingual Chinese/English, from 1yo.

Sweet bedtime story of the little sea otter who says goodnight to the harbour seals, sea lions, fish and sea urchins… Is she missing anyone?

To find out go to

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‘Wobbly tooth’

wobbly tooth - le toboggan bookstore

Bilingual Chinese-English, with Pinyin characters.

Xiaolong has a wobbly tooth and it hurts. His mum explains that the tooth will soon fall out and the tooth fairy will visit then and bring a present. Xiaolong cannot wait and think about what kind of present he will receive. His tooth finally falls off and he leaves it under the pillow. The next morning he finds 10 yuan and thinks that with the next tooth, he will be able to buy a video game. Xialong cannot wait for another tooth to wobble.

Fore more information visit

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‘Who is the winner?’

Who is the winner? - le toboggan

Bilingual Chinese-English, from 3yo.

Xiaolong is competing at the school’ sports carnival. He is racing while holding a ball on a spoon. One of the contestant’s tennis ball fall off the spoon and an unexpected runner, a dog, grabs it and crosses the line first.

Xialong arrived next. He gives his medal to the true winner of the race, the dog.

Great book to learn how to read Chinese. The text is in Chinese characters, pinyin and English.

For more info visit

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‘Dinner is ready!’

Dinner is ready!

Bilingual Chinese-English, from 4yo.

Mom calls everyone, the dinner is ready! No-one replies. Dad is busy reading a book, the son plays with a video game and the daughter is drawing. The cat is only one who seems to be hungry.

Mum is getting upset and manages to get everyone to come and have dinner, only to find out that the cat ate the whole fish!

For more information

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‘Whale, shark and fish’

In Chinese, from 5yo.

Perfect for children learning how to read Chinese characters with pinyin above each character A sentence on each page perfect for young children. Key vocabulary is in bold.

For more info visit