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‘Almanacco dei colori’

In Italian, from 6 month old.

Beautiful large format board book for young readers to learn about colours. Each colour is presented on a double page with many items to name. Great resource to expand vocabulary.

For more info visit

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‘Une journee a la ferme’

In French, from 2yo.

Fantastic book to learn everything about the farm. The animals, what they eat, where they sleep, their babies, what jobs are done by the farmers.

It is a great to learn, the children will have fun lifting the flaps, turning the wheels.

To learn about the farm visit

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‘In Tavola’

Italian, 1yo.

It is time to play and learn. Gorgeous board book that will make learning about food more fun. It has a quiz on each page with a wheel to turn to find the answer. So let’s go! It is time to set the table!

For more information visit

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‘Les Monsieur Madame en Australie’

In French, from 3yo.

The infamous Mr & Mrs are travelling to Australia. Join them in their visit. They will see the Opera House, the Outback, they will meet with many animals.

For a trip to Australia visit

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‘El pez que encontro el oceano’

In Spanish, from 3yo.

This is a strong with strong emotions and most of all courage. The little fish is set to explore the vast ocean. He is so little and the ocean so large. He is curious, afraid, confused and brave at times.

Beautifully illustrated this book is about overcoming our fears and not to be afraid to explore.

To follow the little red fish in his adventures visit

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‘La zuppa di Sassi’

In Italian, from 6yo.

Sassi, the fox, is hungry and wants to make a soup. However his pantry is empty. His neighbour, the hen, has many vegetables but still one ingredient is missing…

Great book for young readers. The entertaining story is followed by activities to assist and test with the understanding of the story.

For more information visit

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‘T’choupi joue a cache-cache’

In French, from 1yo.

T’choupi loves playing hide and seek with his mum. Will he find her? There are so many good hiding spots in the house.

To play along T’choupi visit

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‘Maravillas del cuerpo humano’

In Spanish, from 4yo.

This is a wonderful way to learn about our body. In this book, we ask 44 questions such as how do we breathe? What happen to the bones when they break? What is the use of our bellybutton?

Beautiful illustrations support the written answer and give the child a visual explanation.

For more information visit