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‘Le livre va a l’ecole’

In French, from1yo.

The book is very excited, he can’t wait t go to school. He is really keen on meeting new friends, learning new things. His friend Mouse will help him get ready.

Are you ready for school? You are not sure, check out how it works for the book

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‘La maitresse est mal reveillee’

In French, from 3yo.

A funny story, this time this is not about children struggling to wake up and go to school. No, it is about a teacher who is not a morning person. She does not want to get up and get dressed, she does her best to avoid climbing into the car, she sulks during the whole trip to the school.

Cute story to put some humour into children’s morning routine. Some of teachers struggle too.

To find out what happens when the teacher arrives at the school visit

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‘Le bonhomme et l’oiseau’

From 1yo, In French.

Sweet story about a snowman in a terribly cold winter and a little bird. Tender story of an unexpected friendship. Children will love the beautiful illustrations.

For more information visit

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‘Les Monsieur Madame en Australie’

In French, from 3yo.

The infamous Mr & Mrs are travelling to Australia. Join them in their visit. They will see the Opera House, the Outback, they will meet with many animals.

For a trip to Australia visit

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‘Les fables de La Fontaine’

In French, from 3yo.

23 of the most famous fables by Jean de la Fontaine. Which one do you prefer? The cicada and the ant? The crow and the fox? The tortoise and the hare?….

For more information visit

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‘Les heros du CP – attaque aux poux’

In French, from 6yo.

Panic at the school of the heroes. They have nits. Quick, they need to act fast. The teacher tells them all about the little insects and the parents are on a mission to eradicate the head lice.

Great book for children learning how to read in French. They can use the different tools such as a vocabulary page, a list with the most common words, some phonetics, the silent letters are shaded in grey and the ‘s’ are graphically linked to the following word to show how to read it all together, at the end there is also a fun activity to check the children have understood the story.

For more information visit

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‘Hello Paris’

Bilingual French-English, from 3yo.

Mia and her twin Mael are excited. They are spending the day in Paris waiting for their older brother to cross the finish line of the Tour de France in the Champs Elysees. While waiting they decide to go sightseeing. They take us to the Seine river, the Moulin Rouge, the Louvre, Orsay & Grevin Museums, Notre-Dame Cathedral and many mores places.

Great book to learn about landmarks in Paris but also food and customs, such as enjoying the sun at the beach in Paris.

To visit Paris with Mia and Mael go to

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‘Mon premier livre des questions-reponses: la science’

In French, from 4yo.

It an awesome book to learn about science with simple questions and answers.

What is science? What do scientists do? How do doctors know what is wrong when we are sick? Why is it easier to to ride a bike downhill? Why does sugar dissolve in water? Where can I see dinosaures? Where do scientists find their ideas? ….

To find out all the answers to those questions and many more visit

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‘Mon premier livre sur l’histoire’

In French, from 3yo.

It is never too early to learn about history. This fantastic books presents a summary of different periods with a page for the context, and another with tools, clothings, fun facts.

With this book you will learn about the Egyptians, Romans, Vikings, the Stone Age, Kings and people around the world throughout history.

For an entertaining time travel visit

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‘The wild washerwomen – Les lavandieres endiablees’

Bilingual French-English, from 3yo.

There was 7 washerwomen who washed dirty laundry all day long. Their boss is very mean and one day the washerwomen have enough and leave. They are wild and wander in town doing crazy things. They meet 7 woodcutters in the forest and decide to stay with them. All together wood and wash clothes in the river, but they have fun and have no boss anymore.

Illustrated by Quentin Blake, the wild washerwomen is an entertaining story.

For more information visit