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Book review: ‘Sampung makakaibigan’

Bilingual Tagalog-English, from 4yo.

Karlo goes to daycare and he does not behave well with his little friends. He steals their lunch, says mean things, tries to wake a friend up during naptime, he knocks a block tower down, etc…

One day, he goes to school and cannot find anyone. Where is everybody? He finally finds his friends happily playing together in the backyard.

He tries to join in but no-one wants to play with Karlo. Karlo is very sad and he finally understands that he has been mean with his friends and tries to make up and be nice from now onwards.

This book is great to introduce daycare to children and how they are expected to behave while in a group.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Polliwog’s wiggle’

Bilingual Tagalog-English, from 8yo.

This book is about the life cycle of the frog. One day a funny looking fish is born near a school of minnows in the mangroves. The minnows accept this new friend and call him Polliwog as he keeps wiggling. However one day, it becomes harder to breathe under the water, and his legs are growing and his tail is shortening. What is happening? Will he still be able to be friend with the minnows after the weird things that are happening with his body?

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Book review: ‘Alamat ng Ampalaya’

Bilingual Tagalog-English, from 8yo.

This story is about a gourd. This gourd was envious and greedy because he did not have colours nor taste of the other vegetables. One night was everyone was asleep, he decides to steal colours and taste from the other veggies. The following morning everyone finds out and goes to trial with the fairies. Surprisingly, the fairies let him keep everything.

However, he must have been too greedy because all of a sudden all the colours and tastes want to mix together and the gourd become green, wrinkle and bitter.

Gourd is happy, he finally has his on colour and taste even if they are not as bright as the other vegetables.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Giulio Coniglio e la nave pirata’

In Italian, from 2yo.

The porcupine Ignazio has a great idea, he convinces his friend Giulio the rabbit and Tomazo the mouse to play pirates. GIrls are not allowed on board but the snail Laura manages to sneak on board. What is the plan of the ferocious pirates?

For more information visit

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A multicultural gift for Christmas

Opening little minds up to other cultures is giving the gifts of curiosity, love of learning about and from others but also tolerance. Taking your children to cultural festivals, making them taste foreign foods, reading books in foreign languages, reading foreign stories translated in English, playing games are all great ideas to offer this multicultural exposure without having to travel.

Here is a list of multicultural ideas that you might like to have at home. They are fun and great for learning.

  • A world atlas
  • Memory games: Arabicity, Arabicouples, Cities of the world
  • City pop ups: Paris, New York and London
  • Stories about Africa: Bella’s adventures in Africa, African animals ABC, African tales
  • Bilingual English-Ngaanyatjarra(Goldfields Aboriginal dialect) Australian  grub life cycle
  • World stories: Lin Yi’s lantern, The Faery’s Gift

Contact us for more suggestions.

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Book review: ‘Su o giu?’

In Italian, from 0yo.

Learn the opposites with this beautiful book. A refined work of paper in which silhouettes of animals and objects are cut out on black paper and become well-defined shadows on a coloured background.

Fun way to learn opposites with your little one, such as up and down, fast and slow…

For more information visit


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Book review: ‘Eu sei tudo do Pai Natal’

In Portuguese, from 4yo

Sweet story about a young boy who believes in Santa Claus despite all adults around him saying that Santa is not for real. The grown ups must not know how to read the signs. Santa is real!

For more information visit

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Book review: ’24 histoires pour attendre Noel’

In French, from 2yo.

One story to read each night before Christmas. 24 short Christmas stories that all children will enjoy. Stories with elves, Santa Claus, a letter for Santa Claus and many presents.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Miss Peregrine’s school for peculiar children’

In Chinese, from 12yo.

The famous book by Ransom Riggs adapted to the movies. After the tragic death of his grandfather, Joseph travels to an island off the coast of Wales. There, he meets with Miss Peregrine and the children she looks after. They are all special, they all have special talents. Joseph, will soon discover, they are all in danger.


For more information visit