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‘El caballero sin trasero’

el caballero sin trasero - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 4yo.

There is the story of a knight who is very desperate. A dragon bit him bum off. How will he find a princess without his backside? The knight goes on a journey to find a bum and a princess.

To join the knight’s adventures go to

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‘Arte con pegatinas: Miro’

arte con pegatinas MIro - le toboggan

From 4yo, in Spanish.

Fantastic activity book that will teach your child about art and in particular Miro. Learn about the artist’s life and work in an interactive way with the stickers.

For more information visit

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‘Mi oso grande, mi oso pequeno y yo’

mi oso grande mi oso pequeno y yo - le toboggan bookstore

In Spanish, from 1yo.

This is a gorgeous story about a little girl who has a big bear and a little bear. The big bear takes her to play in the park, and shelters her from the cold. The little bear helps her to see the little things. She is never left alone.

Happiness is having two bears in one’s life

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‘Records de animales’

records de animales - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 4yo.

Fantastic book to learn fund facts about animals. Do you know who are the fastest animals? Who are the world’s champions? The strongest or the most agile? Who are the superheroes that can survive in harsh conditions?

To find out more about these impressive animals visit

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colores - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 6mo.

Gorgeous book to learn the colours with Julia Donaldson’s rhymes and with the beautiful illustrations of Axel Scheffler. Each page is a colour and an animal being described in rhymes.

For more info visit

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‘Pandilla Paloma 3: el misterio del ladron de nidos’

pandilla paloma - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 5 yo.

Another hilarious episode of the ‘Real Pigeons’ series. In this volume, the team of crime-solving birds is facing several kidnappings of eggs from various nests. Will the real pigeons catch the thief?

This is a great book to learn how to read in Spanish, not only it is funny and the comic format is not overwhelming.

For a good laugh visit

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‘La ruta del raton cartero’

la ruta del raton cartero - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 1 yo.

Cute story about a mouse postie. He delivers the mail to all the animals in the forest, he climbs trees, mountains, go to hot places or cold places, fun places and smelly places. He will deliver the mail everywhere.

To explore with the postie visit

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’20 mil leguas de viaje submarino’

20 mil leguas de viaje submarino - le toboggan

In Spanish, from 8yo.

Pierre Aronnax, a marine biologist, goes on an expedition to find and destroy an enormous sea monster. After a misadventure, Pierre and his friends find themselves stuck aboard Captain Nemo’s submarine, the Nautilus. Together, they will explore the wonders on the deep oceans.

To go on a marine adventure hop onboard the Nautilus at

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In Spanish, from 3yo.

All the animals of the jungle are scared when they hear the sound ‘tun, tun, tun, tun’. They do not know what makes this noise but it is loud and makes everything shake. Tuntun is a big elephant. NO, he is a huge elephant. So big that he cannot walk, he waddles. When he stomps he makes the noise tun, tun, tun, tun. He is sad because he never sees anyone and feels lonely. One day, a wasp decides to help him and stings his bottom. Tuntun is so surprised that he starts running without stopping. While he runs he bumps into other animals, make them fly and several of them land on his back. Tuntun keeps running and when he finally stops the jungle animals climb down. They had the best time on Tuntun’s back. They introduce themselves and from that day onward Tuntun is not lonely anymore and the jungle animals are not afraid of the stomping.

To read tis beautiful story visit