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‘Hector, l’homme extraordinairement fort’

In French, from 4yo.

Hector is extraordinarily strong. He works in a circus and to impress his beloved Leopoldine he lifts up washing machines, elephants. Some in circus are very jealous.

Hector has a secret. He loves to knit and crochet. The jealous performers humiliate Hector by exposing his secret. Then, one day, comes a terrible storm. The strong winds take everything away even people’s clothes.

Can you guess how Hector saves the circus?

To find out visit

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‘La grande roue’

In French, from 3yo.

The peacock is proud and vain. He is beautiful and wants to be admired by everyone. Unfortunately, he is arrogant and annoys all his friends. The friends are fed up with the peacock always putting them down. For their revenge they will design a plan that will test the beauty and self esteem of the peacock.

To find out more about how the peacock becomes humble visit

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‘Ile flottante’

In French, from 3yo.

You liked ‘Pole Nord, Pole Sud’ then you will love ‘Ile Flottante’. The two penguins friends are sad. their boat is broken and they cannot afford the repairs. They decide to go fishing but the ice they are on cracks and drifts away. While trying to find a solution on the shrinking ice, they discover a treasure. They send a message with a puffin to the other penguins. Together will they bring the treasure home and fix he boat?

Find out more at