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‘Les animaux a proteger’

french kids books perth

In French, from 4yo.

Beautiful book to learn about endangered species. It includes many flaps for interactive reading. Learn fun facts and do the engaging activities, such as recognise the paw prints, the pattern of their furs and skins and other characteristics.

To find out more about these animals visit

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‘Comment rallumer un dragon éteint?’

Comme rallumer un dragon eteint?

In French, from 1yo.

A little girl wants to help her dragon to breathe fire again. He is sad, despite his efforts not even a spark comes out of his mouth. She will try scratch him, tickles, making him jealous but nothing seems to work. What could help the dragon?

To find out visit

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‘La maison de maternelles des histoires pour dormir’

La maison de maternelles des histoires pour dormir

In French, from 2yo.

Three stories to help with feeling safe at the bedtime routine. The first story helps with the monsters that can come at night. The second story is about having a nightmare and the last story is about sleeping over at the grandparents’.

Each story is followed by advices and strategies to peacefully prepare your child for the night.

To find out more visit

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‘Bonne nuit petit tigre’

Bonne nuit petit tigre

From 7mo, in French.

Cute little board book with a puzzle to help young children develop their fine motor skills. Follow tiger on his journey through the jungle. Driving the locomotive, he picks up his friends who will sit in the wagon to complete the train.

For more information visit

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‘T-végi le petit tyrannosaure dévoreur de légumes’

t-vegi - le toboggan

In French, from 3yo.

A little T-rex is playing with his friends and has fruit and vegetables for lunch. The other T-rex do not understand how he can like vegetables. They make fun of him forcing him to leave. He is sad and goes looking for other herbivores but the plant-eating dinosaurs are scared of him. He is sad. In the meantime, his friends miss him. It does not matter that he is different. They go to find him when all of a sudden a rock detaches from the top of the mountain and is about to crash on them. Fortunately, their vegetarian friend is strong and manages to stock the rock falling, saving his friends’ lives. His friends are really impressed. You can eat veggies and fruit and still be very strong. Maybe they should try too.

To find out their favourite food go to