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‘Bonne nuit petit lapin’

french children books australia

In French, from 6mo.

Gorgeous board book that will make your little one’s bedtime routine much easier. Collect a piece of the puzzle from each page. Assemble the puzzle when the story is read. It is time for bunny to go to bed. Let’s say good night to the kitten, the mouse and the tortoise.

To obtain your copy visit

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‘Au lit’

Au lit

In French, from 6mo.

This gorgeous board book is perfect for babies a few months old. The black and white illustrations make it easy for babies to see better the contrasts. Each page has a cut out and parents can point to to teach more words. With illustrations that are based on bed time (teddy bear, nigh light, bathtub…), make this book part of your nightly routine.

For sweet dreams go to

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‘Alice au pays des merveilles’

'Alice au pays des merveilles'

In French, from 3yo.

Dive with Alice in a fantasy world where she keeps growing and shrinking. Discover her strange acquaintances, such as the cat with hat, the Crazy hare, the White rabbit and the Queen of hearts.

To follow Alice in Wonderland go to

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‘Le livre anime de Paris’

Le livre anime de Paris

In French, from 4yo.

Let’s go on a trip to Paris. You will explore the city and its numerous monuments. Make the subway move, find out what is hidden inside the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral, what lays under the glass pyramid of the Louvre Museum, what boats can you find on the Seine river…

Pack your back and explore Paris

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‘Un petit dessin pour connaitre les grands personnages’

Un petit dessin pour connaitre les grands personnages

In French, from 6yo.

This is a beautiful book that uses visual to help the readers to memorise facts about famous people. This book presents short biographies of scientists, artists, army generals, writers.. from around the globe. Leonardo Da Vinci holds tools to illustrate that he is an engineer. The X from Antoine de Saint ExupĂ©ry is a plane as he not only wrote the classic “The little prince”, he was also famous for flying his plane across the Mediterranean Sea. The H in Shakespeare is the balcony from “Romeo & Juliet”.

To learn more about historical characters that left their mark on many areas visit

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‘Ca alors !’

Ca alors

In French, from 6mo.

What is happening in this building? Floor by floor, families are missing items. Where are the gloves, the knitted benny, the scarf…? It is snowing and cold outside, those items are needed.

Find out where all the clothing items are visit

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‘Je peux m’asseoir au milieu ?’

Je peux m'asseoir au milieu

In French, from 1yo.

Gorgeous story about a child trying to read a story to a zebra, a lion, a mouse and a cat. But whenever she starts reading, there is an interruption, the stork was not ready, the goldfish also wants to listen in, the rhino has lost something….

Will the child end up reading the story in this chaotic situation? Find out here

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‘La maison de maternelles des histoires pour dormir’

La maison de maternelles des histoires pour dormir

In French, from 2yo.

Three stories to help with feeling safe at the bedtime routine. The first story helps with the monsters that can come at night. The second story is about having a nightmare and the last story is about sleeping over at the grandparents’.

Each story is followed by advices and strategies to peacefully prepare your child for the night.

To find out more visit

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‘Pop pop pop les animaux sauvages’

Pop pop pop les animaux sauvages

In French, from 1yo.

Gorgeous pop up book. Very colourful, it would make learning about animals more fun. Each double page shows a cut out animal popping up as well as several smaller pictures of animals that have things in common. For example, who likes swimming like the hippo? The rhino, the crocodile and the flamingo. One page shows a seek and find activity. Your little one will have to find in the main drawing one the three animals presented.

To find out more

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‘La France’

La France

In French, from 5yo.

Great way to learn fun facts about France. Do you know why the French national anthem is called ‘La Marseillaise’? Do you know why the rooster is a symbol of France? Why we all cheer when watching a game played by the French national soccer team? What is a Capital city? What is a Republic and what is the name of the river going through Paris?

To find out more facts about France and its culture visit to