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‘Oh la la !’

Oh la la ! le toboggan

French, from 3yo.

This is the story of a wolf who seems to have issues with his memory. What really happened with Red Riding Hood? Was he really chased by the three little piggies?

To discover his version of the famous classic tales visit

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‘Felix le chien’

felix le chien

In French, from 2yo.

Felix is a strange dog. He does not bark, does not fetch, does not like tummy scratches, he does not even wag his tail. His master tried to teach him how to bark to no avail. Felix likes hanging out with cats and he likes meowing, climbing up walls and chasing mice.

To find out more about a dog who thinks he is a cat, visit

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‘Mon CE2 facile’

french bookshop adelaide

In French, from 8yo.

This activity book is perfect to learn or review the year 3 French program. Find the main grammar and spelling rules as well as conjugation and science.

The exercises are varied and engaging. To study some French this summer go to

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‘La malle de Noe’

french learning books for kids

In French, from 5yo.

Noe has a chest in which he stores his treasures. He is playing with his friend Mila when they hear a noise coming from the chest. What could it be?

This entertaining story is part of a collection for children learning how to read in French. There is little text on each double page and it is written in a large font, the silent letters are greyed out and there is a little bridge when children needs to connect two words.

To learn to read in French in an easy and fun way go to

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‘Tom Gates: Excuses Beton’

Tom gates excuses beton

In French, from 6yo.

This is another hilarious adventure. How is Tom going to get out of trouble? Today, Tom is excited as he is supposed to sleep over at his friend Derek’s house. Together, they can make plans to annoy his older sister. However, his mom has just received a letter from Tom’s school. His teacher says that he is very happy that Tom survived the dog attack on the last day of the school term and only his exercise book suffered. However, Tom still needs to hand over his homework. Tom’s mother is not happy and he is not allowed to go to Derek’s until he completed his assignment.

Inspiration does not come easy, could he get some help from Derek? How else is he going to do? To find out visit

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‘7 histoires de Noel’

7 histoires de Noel

In French, from 1yo.

This book presents 7 stories showing the magic of Christmas. The stories are short to suit the bedtime of the youngest children.

Let’s find out how Amelie makes her large gifts fit in her tiny shoes; how Santa can deliver the presents when his gifts bag is missing; how the big grey wolf who scares everyone will not be lonely this Christmas; find out what little kangaroo finds at the bottom of his grand-mother’s pouch; and lastly, what happens to the old toys?

To read this cute stories visit

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‘3 histoires d’ecole’

3 histoires d'ecole

In French, from 4yo.

Three stories to teach the children about what to expect when they start school. The stories about about making new friends, being shy, getting used to school and the new routines.

Get ready for school with your own copy

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‘Comment rallumer un dragon éteint?’

Comme rallumer un dragon eteint?

In French, from 1yo.

A little girl wants to help her dragon to breathe fire again. He is sad, despite his efforts not even a spark comes out of his mouth. She will try scratch him, tickles, making him jealous but nothing seems to work. What could help the dragon?

To find out visit

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‘Au lit’

Au lit

In French, from 6mo.

This gorgeous board book is perfect for babies a few months old. The black and white illustrations make it easy for babies to see better the contrasts. Each page has a cut out and parents can point to to teach more words. With illustrations that are based on bed time (teddy bear, nigh light, bathtub…), make this book part of your nightly routine.

For sweet dreams go to