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‘Elephant island’

Elephant island le toboggan

In Chinese, from 3yo.

After a storm, Elephant is washed away on an island. He cries for help and a little mouse offers to take him home on her boat. Unfortunately, the boat is not strong enough for both of them and breaks. Crocodile and dog see the shipwreck but cannot help them. The four animals are now all stuck together on the island. This lovely story is beautifully illustrated with a mix of blues, greys and vivid reds.

To find out how elephant get off the island visit

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‘Walking in my city, what do you see?’

Walking in my city, what do you see?

Bilingual Spanish – English, from 2yo.

Book with gorgeous illustrations that will take the reader on a walk to explore the city. Make it a game and ask your child to describe the city scenes in your target language.

To go on a stroll visit