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‘Les animaux a proteger’

french kids books perth

In French, from 4yo.

Beautiful book to learn about endangered species. It includes many flaps for interactive reading. Learn fun facts and do the engaging activities, such as recognise the paw prints, the pattern of their furs and skins and other characteristics.

To find out more about these animals visit

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‘La malle de Noe’

french learning books for kids

In French, from 5yo.

Noe has a chest in which he stores his treasures. He is playing with his friend Mila when they hear a noise coming from the chest. What could it be?

This entertaining story is part of a collection for children learning how to read in French. There is little text on each double page and it is written in a large font, the silent letters are greyed out and there is a little bridge when children needs to connect two words.

To learn to read in French in an easy and fun way go to

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‘Un petit bisou enfin’

un petit bisou enfin - le toboggan

In French, from 3yo.

Super cute small format book. Spring is here and hibernation is over. Hedgehog is looking for his best friend. He is in dire need of a hug and a little kiss. Follow the hedgehog in his quest to find his friend.

For more information visit

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‘Chamalo va a la plage’

chamalo va a la plage - le toboggan

In French, from 1yo.

Chamalo goes to the beach with his friend. There are so many things to enjoy in the seaside, building sand castle, swimming in the sea. The perfect book for the start of summer.

For a trip to the beach visit