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‘Der Fuchs sucht seine socken’

Der Fuchs sucht seine socken

In German, from 1yo.

Gorgeous board book by the illustrator of the Gruffalo. Fox is getting dressed but he cannot find his socks. His feet are really cold. Could you help find the socks? Are thy under the bed, in the trunk or in the clock?

Find the socks with Fox at

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‘Les animaux de la montagne’

Les animaux de la montagne

In French, from 4yo.

Beautiful documentary book. Children will learn about the animals living in mountains across the world. The book offers an interactive learning with flaps to lift and search and find activities. It also comes with fun quizzes. Gorgeous illustrations showing the animals in a visual dictionary format and in context.

To explore the fauna of the world mountains visit

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‘Presto, ci aspettano’

Presto ci aspettano

In Italian, from 1yo.

This is the perfect book to teach the youngest children about the animals. The creatures are all walking in a line, the cloth, the hippo, the lion, the monkey… they walk through forests, ponds, the city…but to go where?

To find out about the unexpected ending visit

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‘Pop va a scuola’

pop va a scuola

From 0yo, in Italian.

Gorgeous book about a colourful dinosaur who is going to school. Spend the day with pop at school and learn how to count 10. 1 for one gift for the teacher, 2 for a drawing with two hearts…

Get your copy at