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‘Tutto mio’

tutto e mio

In Italian, from 1yo.

It is winter and squirrel and her friend bear must stock up before the cold is here. There is just a little problem. Bear does not want to share and eats everything that she finds.

Discover this cute story that teaches about the value of sharing. Get your copy at

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‘Scorri gli eroi inventori’


In Italian, from 2yo.

Great book to teach about inventors in the target language. This cute board book gives facts about Archimedes, Hedy Lamarr, Patricia Bath and George Stephenson. The book is interactive, young readers will enjoy turning wheels and pulling flaps and will love the colourful illustrations.

For more information visit

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‘Presto, ci aspettano’

Presto ci aspettano

In Italian, from 1yo.

This is the perfect book to teach the youngest children about the animals. The creatures are all walking in a line, the cloth, the hippo, the lion, the monkey… they walk through forests, ponds, the city…but to go where?

To find out about the unexpected ending visit

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‘Pop va a scuola’

pop va a scuola

From 0yo, in Italian.

Gorgeous book about a colourful dinosaur who is going to school. Spend the day with pop at school and learn how to count 10. 1 for one gift for the teacher, 2 for a drawing with two hearts…

Get your copy at

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‘Qua! Qua! Papà?’

Qua! Qua! Papà? - le toboggan

In Italian, from 1yo.

Hilarious story that tenderly explains that families can come in different shapes and colours. A dog is walking past an egg when the latter cracks. A little duckling comes out and calls the dog dad. The dog does not want the duckling but the little one wants the dog. All of a sudden the dog is surrounded by duckling calling him dad.

For this sweet story visit