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A Zebra que não queria ir à escola.

Instead of going to school Zebra decides to wander about. Ho, ho! She meets the panther. Is she going to be eaten right away? The panther gives her a chance, if Zebra can correctly answer a question she can go. Zebra got the wrong answer, guess what happens now?!

Beautiful story to be read aloud and later by the child when she starts reading on her own.

This book is part of the collection ‘As histórias da Mãe Galinha’, perfect for the bedtime.

Boa noite!

In Portuguese only:


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Un amor de botón

Who could have guessed that a lost button will lead to a love story? Follow Enriqueta and Gabriel’s adventures in this beautiful book.

Both stories are told in parallel on each side of the book until the characters get acquainted and the story merges.

Beautiful illustrations and original lay out of the story.

In Spanish only:


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Workshops: Let’s explore the museum – Exploremos el museo

Our first ‘field trip’ was a success.

Today our little explorers were given the mission to find all the animals that were on a list I had given them. We played ‘eye spy’ and before we knew it was time to leave.

A visit at the museum is always a good activity with my children. They love running around and pointing at things asking questions or just showing off their knowledge. It is good fun!

This is how I came up with the ‘eye spy’ idea to get the children’s full attention for the whole session or most of it. Without realising it, they played this game for an hour in Spanish! It worked because they were interested, stimulated and more importantly they were free to move about.

I created cards with pictures I had previously taken of items I wanted them to find, then I wrote a short description, such as “butterflies have 4 wings”. Just a short fact which is easy to repeat and remember. All the information was in both languages Spanish and English.

I then laminated the cards so the parents could go back with their children and play again.

Through this activity we learned how to say several animal names, a fun fact about them, where they lived, what they ate and so on. We also touched on the dinosaurs and fossils.

I am not expecting them to remember everything, this is not the objective. I wanted them to have fun learning and I am sure they will take something out of today. To reinforce what they have learned, we will take advantage of this visit at the museum to review what we saw. Through activities we will learn more about animals, dinosaurs, etc… and all this in Spanish.

Enclosed some pictures of the cards and of the little explorers having a good time.

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Hasta pronto!

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How to prompt a conversation with your children?

I found the article “30 questions to ask your kid instead of how was your day?” quite pertinent.

It is a great way to prompt and encourage a conversation with little and older children but it is also a great tool to use when one wants to keep practising the minority language.

When I read the article I realised that I was already using same style questions and you probably are too, such “What did you eat at daycare today?”, “Who did you play the most with?”. This is how i found out that my 3 year old often ‘ate’  whale.

I use open questions to encourage longer replies and I try to encourage descriptions to expand and develop his vocabulary. I also relate some events to stories that he has read. Associations are great tools too.

The key is to promote communication, an exchange between 2 people. Therefore limit the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions.

To read the full article click on the below link.

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Why Reading matters?

Reading matters for a variety of reasons, such as increasing literacy, general culture and IQs. Children tend to be more focused  and generally do better in school and professionally.

However one significant benefit is missing. It is the value of spending that quality time with your children. Several studies demonstrated that children liked to be read to even when they can read themselves. We all live busy lives and with the increasing use of technology at home, it gets more difficult to find time to spend with your children.

Reading books together is always a great way to maintain or reinforce bonds between parents and children. You can take advantage of some stories children can relate to to speak about difficult moments in life, such as the loss of a loved one or the arrival of a sibling. Let the story prompt some questions, for example “how do you feel about a little sister arriving soon?” or “What would you do if you were in the character’s place?”.

Use books to get kids smarter but also to develop social and emotional skills, such as tolerance, empathy, etc…

And as usual happy reading!



This info­graphic was cre­ated for Harper Collins Chil­drens with Brand­point.

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Children’s book sales are booming

Great news! Children a reading more. The 5-8 are the most avid readers. The data come from an analysis from the US market and it interestingly highlights that there is more demand for diversity.

Children are interested in multicultural books. Just like Le Toboggan!

Click on the below link to read the full article.

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Caras Divertidas na selva

Who wants to have fun with pop up masks of the jungle animals?

Caras divertidas na selva is fun, colourful and is about little children manipulating books.

Let’s encourage their imagination! Who wants to be a beautiful parrot? A funny frog? A lazy lion? Or a friendly elephant?

You will also like Caras divertidas na quinta for pop up masks with farm animals.

Caras divertidas is listed in the Portuguese Government reading program for school children ‘LER Plano Nacional de Leitura’.

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Le Toboggan celebrates the World Space Week 4-10 October

World Space Week is an annual holiday observed from 4-10 October in various countries including Australia. It is defined by the United Nations as “an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition.”

The choice of the dates was based on the recognition of the launch of the first human-made Earth satellite Sputnik on 4th October 1957 and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on 10th October 1967.

This is a great opportunity for the inquisitive little minds to learn about stars, planets, satellites and much more…

Le Toboggan suggests the following resources:



Encyclopedie Junior, l’Espace“. Do you know that stars can be of different colours?

This encyclopaedia will provide all the information on space from where and when it all started to what are the planets made of. It comes with a quiz.


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Système Solaire“. Do you know the Earth is not the only planet which has active volcanoes? Do you want to find out about cosmic scars?

This book and the DVD will tell you all about our solar system. It comes with a quiz.

le systeme solaire

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Galileo Galilei e la torre di Pisa“, this easy to read bilingual book introduces the famous Italian astronomer, his life, his works and his discoveries.

Also comes with additional facts that can be used by a curious mind or in a school activity.

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Lo spazio da toccare“. Introduce the notions of our solar system with this tactile book. The children will love learning new things while touching different textures.

lo spazio da toccare

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Happy reading!

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Cache-cache dans la savane

Who would not like to play hide and seek with wild animals?

Try to guess who is hiding?

The child will be given clues, such as “I am the biggest land animal! My trunk and large ears make it hard to hide!”

The short descriptions give a couple of well known facts about the animals. The child can make a guess then check by lifting the flaps or pulling the straps.

Discover beautifully illustrated animals page after page that will make the child happy with anticipation.

You like farm animals check out Cache-cache dans la basse-cour.






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Pequeno Buba busca a su elefante

Buba, the little frog, is at daycare and has lost ‘Tapi’ his elephant plush toy. He is very sad! Pull the flaps and help Buba find Tapi.

This colourful board book that is specially made for little hands.

While Buba is looking for his elephant, your child’s vocabulary will expand. Each page represents an activity run at the daycare and behind each flap hides an animal.

Well done! you have helped Buba find his elephant toy. Now would you like to play hide and seek with Tina the kitten in Tina juega al escondite?

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