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‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’

Head, shoulders, knees and toes le toboggan

Bilingual English-Tagalog, from 6mo.

Take the famous children’s rhyme then add gorgeous illustrations and you a fun book to read with your child. Perfect for children who are still too small to make the actions on their own. Point a the pictures and ask them to point to their head, nose, eyes…. This bilingual books allows to develop your child’s vocabulary in two languages.

Let’s get singing

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‘World’s strangest creepy crawlies’

the world's strangest creepy crawlies

In English, from 5yo.

Book filled with amazing fun facts about weird creepy crawlies. Are your children avid leaners? They will love to read about these weird animals ranked by their unusual characteristics.

Great book to surprise and keep the children entertained these holidays. Find it here

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‘Bakery whiskerville’

bakery whiskerville le toboggan

In Greek, from 6mo.

This cute little board book will take you to Whiskerville. A busy town full of mice. In this story, we are exploring the bakery. Your child will enjoy the gorgeous illustrations and will learn new vocabulary.

For more information visit

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‘Fifteen feet of time’

Fifteen Feet of Time English - le toboggan bookstore

Bilingual Vietnamese-English, from 4yo.

This is the story of the little creatures living in the city. A snail is crossing the road. He is going slowly. While he is crossing, there is a frog whose job is to tell the weather. There is a spider who knits a hammock so penguins can comfortably play cards, there is a violin fiddling…. So much is happening while all the humans are busy at work.

To find out more visit