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World Read Aloud Day 2018

Happy World Read Aloud Day!

What special book are you reading to or with your children today?

We do a lot of reading at home, my children are too young to read by themselves but they love books. Today we are sharing a few tips to make reading a book more fun!

  • Make it fun! Use different voices, exaggerate reactions, do not be afraid to play silly.
  • Ask questions about the pictures, the story. Can you guess what is going to happen next? What would you done differently?
  • Ask them to describe what they see, can they guess the story?
  • Make ‘mistakes’. If your children are like mine they like correcting me when I change something in the story, unless we agreed to all change something.
  • All the above is even more important when you have been reading the same book for the 10th in a row. Repetition is their way to learn and they are registering different elements of the story at every reading.
  • Read a bout things they like, pirates, dinosaurs, fairies, knights, cars, animals, other cultures…
  • Never stop reading to your child even when they learn to read by themselves.
  • Keep reading, the more they see you read the more they want to do it.

If you are a multicultural family, think about bilingual books. They are a great resources as both parents can read in their language. Children get to learn new words in both languages.

Let’s read, read, read!

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Multicultural children book day 2018

Happy Multicultural children book day

When you are passing on your language to your children, it is not just about words, but about stories, culture, food, a special bond…
You are raising open-minded children who will see the world with more tolerance and will embrace other cultures more easily.
You are bringing down barriers and raising global citizens.

Here are a few resources to assist you with the language teaching:

First hundred words in Japanese

First Italian words
Il mio primo vocabolario

First Chinese words

My first book of Vietnamese words

First hundred words in Russian

Bilingual dictionary English-Portuguese

Learn a language (DVD with 6 languages)

Sing and Learn German

Mijn eerste 100 woorden

My big barefoot book of English-Spanish words
Oxford Children’s visual dictionary
Sing and learn Spanish
Spanish-English picture dictionary
First words Spanish

My big barefoot book of English – French words
French-English picture dictionary
First words English-French
First words French

Happy reading!

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Book review: ‘I perché del corpo umano’

In Italian, from 4yo.

Great resource to teach basic facts about the body. It has fun illustrations and the facts are adapted to young learners. Do you know why our heart beats faster when we run? Why do we sweat?

Perfect book to expand your child’s vocabulary while learning interesting things about his own body.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘A year in the city’

In Polish, from 0yo.

Beautifully illustrated, this large format picture board book will show you the changes that occur in the busy city month by month. Which is your favourite season? When the city in covered in snow or when the flowers blossom?

for more information visit

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Book review: ‘Tintin’ in Chinese

In Chinese, from 8yo.

Follow Tintin, Captain Haddock and Snowy’s adventures in 22 titles including:

Tintin and the Picaros

Tintin and the Castafiore

Tintin: trip to the moon

Tintin and the lotus flower

Tintin in Tibet

and many more… also available in a box set.

For more information visit