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Summer reading – language: Portuguese

Summer is a great time to get your children to read everywhere and do fun and creative activities.

Here are our suggestions:

O tesouro das colinas negras – Follow Geronimo Stilton in his search for the treasure.

Historia da menina Tuxa e da Bruxa Trapalhona – whenever something goes wrong Tuxa blames it on the Clumsy witch.

Irmaos Koala ensinam as boas maneiras – in this activity book children learn good manners with the Koala brothers. Colouring in, spot the difference…

Contos populares portugueses – discover these Portuguese tales

Contos de Perrault – includes Red Riding Hood, Puss in boots, the fairies…. come with the morale at the end of each tale.

Contos e lendas de Portugal e do Mundo – Tales and legends from Portugal, Mozambique, Timor, Spain, France, Germany and even from the Arab world.

Senhor Feliz & Ferias de verão – little books to enjoy everywhere at the beach, at the shops or at the park.