About sixty comic pages to address a subject that is increasingly in the spotlight: evolution. In this volume we explain how animals became what they are. The book is divided into 9 chapters which alternate comic pages and documentary pages. These, well illustrated, explain the concepts covered in the comics to better explain them: Evolution, a brilliant idea! The birds are amazing! A thousand ways to get around; Tips for seeing at night; Who’s ordering ? 6 or 8 legs? How to survive the cold; A little resemblance…
The champions of weirdness. The comics deal with the evolution of animals that children know and love… Dolphins, turtles, horses, giraffes, snails, crocodiles… as well as more or less distant ancestors of current animals (tetrapods, mammoths… .). Jérôme Anfré’s humorous illustrations allow children to easily enter into this increasingly studied scientific subject.
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