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Book review: ‘Les astronautes’

In French, from 6yo.

Great book with many pictures to illustrate the fascinating facts about the astronauts’ life in space.

It includes information about the first astronauts, how to become an astronaut, going into space, working in space, space walks, astronauts’ daily life, risks facing astronauts, back to Earth and what comes next.

For more information visit


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Book review: ‘Fox Fables’

Bilingual English-Vietnamese/Chinese/Russian/Japanese. From 4yo.

This book contains two stories, ‘The crane and the fox’ and ‘The fox and the tiger’. Interesting selection, in the first story the fox is outsmarted by the crane who shows him that she can be clever too, there is no need to be rude.

In the second story the fox manages to convince the tiger that he is the tiger of the forest and is feared by all the other animals. The tiger, of course, laughs and does not believe the fox until they both go for a walk.

For more information visit


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Book review: ‘Le travail ca sert a quoi?’

In French, from 4yo.

What is the use of work? Domito is a little duck who loves spending time with his family and hates it when his parents have to go to work. He misses his mum’s and his dad’s kisses and hugs and cannot stand seeing them to go away.

Great book to teach children who suffer from separation anxiety why parents have to go to work. There is nothing to fear they will come back later.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Ya soy mayor! Fuera pañales!’

In Spanish, from 2yo.

Cute board board to teach children about toilet training. It is not comfortable to be smelly and wet. It is better to go on the potty but be careful, once can be easily distracted when playing! Just listen to your body and you know when it is time to go.

For more information visit

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The Culture Kid – The bilingual advantage: 10 STRATEGIES LEADING LANGUAGE EXPERTS ARE TEACHING IN 2018

Shannon Kelly from the Cultured Kid has interviewed 10 experts in raising bilingual children and asked them for tips.

We proudly contributed by offering the following advice:

“When deciding to raise your children in multilingual environment have a clear objective.

Are you happy with a passive bilingual or do you wish your child to be bi-literate? Whatever your goal is, you will require resources, time, ways to find exposure.”

You can download the full article by using the below link.

Shannon also offers French and Spanish language programs for preschoolers. They are so well designed that you do not need to language yourself to teach your child. You will find more information on



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Histoires d’animaux de la jungle a lire avec papa et maman

In French, from 2yo.

Three cute jungle stories about animals helping each other despite their differences.

A little spider who has 10 legs and has a hard time riding friends. Will she save the other spiders who are about to drown?

A little monkey who wish he could fly. He does not have wings but will he find another way?

Tiger finds his friend little sloth at the bottom of a tree. Why is he not sleeping hanging from a branch? Well the sloth is sad because he cannot see the sky and the stars when he is falling asleep. The tree has too many leaves. His friend Tiger will help him find a better sleep for his nap.

For more information visit

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O livro da selva

In Portuguese, from 2yo.

Let’s rediscover this children’s favourite tale: The Jungle book. Mowgli in the Indian jungle trying to escape the fierce tiger Shere Khan.

Reading familiar stories in another language is a great way to promote language learning and practise. So dive in this collection ‘Once upon a time….’, your favourite classical stories in Portuguese.

For more information visit

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El ogro maloliente

In Spanish, from 2yo.

Funny story about Paula, a little girl, who has always wondered what laid inside the toilet bowl. One day, she calls out and a smelly ogre comes out. A fairy put him inside the toilet bowl to punish him for being so naughty. He has changed now.

For more information visit

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Ecris, efface! Mon premier ABC

In French, from 3yo.

This wipeable activity book is great to practise tracing letters and master the pensil grip, as well as learn how to spell French words.

With this small format, this book fits easily in a handbag and can be taken everywhere.

For more information visit

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‘Os ultimos da Terra’

In Portuguese, from 16yo.

In a post apocalyptic world Ann Burden is completely alone. For the past year, she has lived in a remote valley with no evidence of any other survivors. But the smoke from a distant campfire shatters Ann’s solitude. Someone else is still alive and making his way toward the valley. Who is this man? What does he want? Can he be trusted? Both excited and terrified, Ann soon realizes there may be worse things than being the last person on Earth.

Fore more information visit