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‘Mrs Honey’s hat’

Mrs Honey's hat

In Greek, from 2yo.

What is happening to Mrs Honey’s hat? This funny story is perfect to learn vocabulary with its repetitive text as well as the days of the week. Ask your little one to describe the differences between the hats.

To find out more about Mrs Honey’s hat visit

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‘The little red hen and the grains of wheat’

the little red hen and the grain of wheat - le toboggan

Bilingual Greek-English, from 1yo.

The little red hen finds a bag of wheat and asks her friends to help her carry it to the mill so she can make some bread. Everyone finds an excuse and the little hen has to carry the heavy bag on her own, grind the grains of wheat and make the bread. Once the bread is ready, all her friends want her to share. The little hen is not impressed and will enjoy the bread alone.

For more information go to

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‘My first book of Greek words’

Bilingual Greek-English, from 1yo.

Fun book to learn you first words in Greek. This bilingual book places the vocabulary in its context. It takes you to the garden, the city, a family reunion, etc….

For more information visit

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‘Let’s learn Greek: things around me at school’

Bilingual Greek/English, from 3yo.

Get ready for school with this visual dictionary that will list the vocabulary related to school and stationery.

For more information visit