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Book review: ‘Bella’s adventures in Africa’

In English, from 4yo.

Great book to learn a little bit about Africa through Bella’s trips. Bella and her parents visit 7 countries and they will live an adventure in each story that will teach us about a cultural aspect.

Ideal book to make your child travel, imagine and learn about Africa.

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Book review: ‘Endlich im kindergarten’

In German, from 0yo.

Cute little board book about the first day at kindergarten. At kindy we make new friends, we go to the toilets by ourselves, we feed the fish and play. Sometimes we feel sad and want mom to come an pick us up. Not to worry she will come at then of the day and take us home. We had fun today and we will come back tomorrow.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’

Bilingual English-Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes… We all know this fun rhymes, let’s sing it in Spanish, Portuguese or Vietnamese. This song is a fun way to start teaching your little one about his body.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Adeus chucha, adeus fralda, vou dormir’

In Portuguese, from 2yo.

Three little board books perfect to motivate little ones with toilet training, getting rid of the pacifier and go to bed peacefully.

These colourful books come with a chart where parents and children can track the progress with stickers and when it is all done children get a paper No 1 Medal.

For more information visit

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Book review: ‘Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?’

Bilingual English-Arabic/Vietnamese/Portuguese/Japanese, from 4-8

Can you guess what animal comes on the next page? Is it the blue horse, the purple cat or the yellow fish?

Great book to learn the colours and animals in both English and Arabic.

For more information visit