Here’s a pleasant and effective way for students of German to build and strengthen vocabulary skills. The book consists of 15 carefully rendered scenes — 14 double-page and one single-page — each devoted to a different theme of topic: Im Zoo (At the Zoo); Das Wohnzimmer (Living Room); Auf dern Bauernhof (On the Farm); Das Badezimmer (Bathroom); Das Schlafzimmer des Mädchens (Girl’s Bedroom); Beim Abendessen (At Dinner); Das Schlafzimmer des Jungens (Boy’s Bedroom); Der Supermarkt (Supermarket); Das Klassenzimmer (Classroom); Am Strand (At the Beach); and five more.
Each illustration contains dozens of common objects, clearly labeled in German. By studying the illustrations, students can learn over 500 words for common household items, clothing, foods, vehicles, furniture, names of animals, parts of the body, types of stores and public buildings, and many more
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