Evening is falling in the neighbourhood. Everyone goes to bed, except Monsieur Monsieur, who isn’t at all tired… He goes to see Toutou and asks him if he wants to play with him. But Toutou is already in bed. He goes to see Lulu the turtle, to ask her if she wants to go for a walk? But Lulu is getting ready to sleep, her head buried in her shell. He finally asks his neighbour Nina if she wants to play a board game with him? Too late, Nina is already in pijamas.
What to do, Monsieur Monsieur is not at all, but not at all tired… However, a few minutes later, he is asleep, he is snoring on his sofa. He’s snoring so loud… he’s waking up the whole neighbourhood! Good night sir sir! On each double page, there is flocking that the child can have fun looking for and touching. A book to touch for children from 2 years old.
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