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2020 French & Spanish story times at the City of Perth Library

Come along and enjoy one hour of songs, stories and craft in French and in Spanish.

All welcome, non speakers as well.

From 11 am to 12pm. Please pick a pass at the desk downstairs.


  • 8 Jan, 5 Feb, 4 Mar, 1 Apr, 6 May, 3 Jun, TBA Jul, 5 Aug, 2 Sep, 7 Oct, 4 Nov, 2 Dec


  • 15 Jan, 19 Feb, 18 Mar, 8 Apr, 20 May, 17 Jun, 15 Jul, 19 Aug, 16 Sep, 21 Oct, 18 Nov, 16 Dec

We look forward to reading to you.

2 thoughts on “2020 French & Spanish story times at the City of Perth Library

  1. hi filipa,

    bonne annee!!!! a toi y a ta famille!!!! Est-ce que les storytimes sont toujours a 11 heures a la bibliotheque de la city?

    bisous, andelina 🙂

    1. Bonne Année Angelina,
      Oui, l’heure du conte commence Ă  11h Ă  la bibliothèque en ville.
      A bientôt 🙂

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