Summer is a great time to get your children to read everywhere and do fun and creative activities.
Here are our suggestions for you (from the youngest to the oldest readers):
Mi primera biblioteca – cute collection of 9 little board books on everyday topics
En el mar – colourful and beautifully illustrated board books to know all the vocabulary on the sea
La princesa Luna y el principe Sol – The moon princess and the sun prince have to find a way to meet each other.
La estatua de Pigmalion – great way to introduce the Greek legend to children
La hija del Grufalo – follow up of the adventures of the Gruffalo
Jorge el curioso vuela una cometa – for advanced young readers, bilingual English-Spanish, Curious George flies a kite.
El marques de malaventura – fun first stories to read independently
Viaje al centro de la tierra – for older readers who wish to discover/rediscover their classics, such as “the journey to the centre of the earth”
Happy reading!