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Book review: ‘Bist du noch mein freund?’ by Jutta Langreuter

In German only. From 3 years old.

Knacke and Taps are best friends. Together they grow strawberries in a small garden. One day, however, the ripe fruits are gone and trouble starts.

Both friends accuse each other of having eaten the fruit and not want to be friends anymore! Then they remember how many beautiful moments they spent together and how precious their friendship was. Will they be friends again?

To order the book click here.



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Book review: ‘I see the sun in Russia’ by Dedie King

Bilingual English-Russian

Anton is a young boy with a talent for music. He lives in Saint-Petersburg, a city very proud of its arts. Follow Anton through his day from the time he wakes up to the strains of ‘Swan lake’ being played at the piano, the school trip to the Hermitage museum and his violin practice.

Stunning collage illustrations.

To order the book click here.


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Book review: Papa’s house, Mama’s house by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Bilingual: Tagalog-English

It is always difficult when a family goes through a divorce. The story is told through the child’s perspective and delves with the pros and cons of sharing the week between the homes of separated parents.

Despite having different rules and routines both homes are loving and happy environments for the children.

When the question “Why can’t both parents live in the same place?” comes up. Both mom and dad give poetic and sweet answers.

At the end the whole family gathers to celebrate together the narrator’s 6th birthday.


Papa’s House, Mama’s House was the 2004 Grand Winner of both the PBBY Salanga Prize (for writers) and the PBBY Alcala Prize (for illustrators).


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Book review: Berta e Girolamo by Gionata Bernasconi

First reading – from 6 year old.

Italian only.

“Who is the most beautiful animal in the forest?”. Our good friends Berta the Giraffe says ‘I’ and Girolamo the Hippo says ‘No, me!’. But when they learn that a hunter wants to capture the most beautiful animal, then all of a sudden Berta wants to become like her friend hippo who is ugly and silly, and hippo wants to become like the Giraffe who is neither beautiful nor intelligent. At last they are safe………………..until a tiger comes around and hunts the most stupid animal of the forest!
Amusing story about the sometimes difficult topic of ‘identity’. Your child will enjoy laughing at Berta’s and Girolamo’s vicissitudes.

The book won the 1st Prize at the Prix VERGHERETO

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