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Activity books for an active summer

A few ideas to keep your children busy this summer while having fun and keep practising German, French, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.



  • Le cahier de vacances du dico des filles‘ is full of fun activities such as crosswords, mysteries to solve, short stories, sentences to finish…. for 12+
  • Dinosaures a construire‘ is an amazing book that will give interesting facts about the dinosaures and children get to make one in a 3D puzzle.
  • Cherche et trouve a la ferme‘, open the page flap on the right hand side and discover the items that you will need to find on the very busy double page. For example, find the cow among sheep and other animals in the farm. Also in the same series ‘Cherche et trouve dans la savane’ 
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  • Comme un grand j’observe, je joue, j’apprends: Louloup va au marche‘, activity book offering plenty hours of fun with colouring ins, stickers….Also in the same series ‘Souricette va au marche’


  • First words sticker book English-French‘, great way to learn with repositionable stickers.
  • Chloe poupee a habiller‘, activity book with colouring in and stickers, where you have to dress up the girl according to what she is doing. In the same series ‘Zoe’, ‘Emma’, ‘Rose’….
  • Mike the knight jeux et coloriages‘, activity book with word games, colouring ins and stickers. Based on the cartoon character.
  • ‘100 missions pour un espion’, awesome book with many activities, tricks and mysteries to solve.


  • ‘Mes premieres lettres’ and ‘Mes premiers chiffres’, great way to get your child to practise his writing skills with the reusable book, wipe it out clean and start again.
  • ‘Bloc de jeux la Reine des neiges’, ‘bloc de jeux Cars’, ‘mes jeux en bloc’, are a collection of handy size notepads with many games and activities.


  • ‘Mots croises dans la nature’ and ‘mots croises en balade’, great way to keep your child entertain while practising his skills in French. These activities are based on crosswords and other word games.
  • ‘Jeux de lettres pour les garçons’ and ‘Jeux de lettres pour les filles’, again a fun way to keep practising French while on holidays, include many words games, such as find the word ending….




  • ‘Cores e formas’  is handy size notepad full of games and activities on colours and shapes.




  • ‘Dibuja a la bruja‘ and ‘Dibuja las caras de Caperucita’ are 2 drawing books which will provide endless fun, drawings can be wiped off clean and it is ready to start again. Children will try to reproduce the completed drawing on the left hand side or just give their imagination a go.
  • ‘Puzzle la jungla’, each page is filled with a colourful 4 piece puzzle. Perfect for little children, they will enjoy a short story and the puzzle.


  • Nos divertimos con la ciencia’ is a great book, not only children will get to make things, such as a musical instrument, illusion tricks…. but they will learn about the science behind every experiment.
  • The series ‘Mi primero libro’ comes in 4 themes ‘numeros’,’animales’, ‘letras’, ‘juguetes’. Each book offers many activities such as stickers to apply, drawing to be done, writing, counting….



  • ‘Coloriamo il Natale’ is an advent calendar to colour in. Each day the child discovers a Christmas drawing and theme.
  • Giulio Coniglio – le raccolte’, is a collection of various activity books with comic strips, colouring ins, cutting out shapes, crosswords, craft ideas and many more….





  • ‘Bauernhof‘, ‘Tierkinder’ and ‘Feuerwehr‘ are activity books with stickers, colouring ins and cutting outs.
  • Rundherum in meiner Stadt’, colouring in on the city theme. ‘Auf dem lande’ is about colouring in the country side.
  • The series ‘Spezialwissen’ are little books that fit in a jeans back pocket and can be taken everywhere. All the themes are around the exploration of the environment ‘Geocaching’, ‘Nachtwanderum’, ‘Schnitzen’, ‘Tierspuren’. So what are you waiting for? Get out and explore!


For everyone

You will love these plastic books. Small enough to fit in a child’s backpack or your handbag. Perfect to keep your children entertained at the restaurant, the beach, the park, in a plane…. Once they are done colouring in, wipe clean and start again. ‘Librito de plastico de la navidad’, ‘librito de plastico de la playa’, ‘librito de plastico de la caperucita’, ‘librito de plastico de los piratas’.

4 themes- the beach, Christmas, Red Riding Hood and Pirates.
